Thursday, February 27, 2014

Have you read The Wall Street Journal lately?  Watched a recent financial news?  Hopefully you are on the outside looking in.  Jail is what I’m talking about.  It seems like every “star” of the past, cheated.  They traded on inside info.  They had to or else they would lose their job.   

Is the news media implying that in order to be successful on Wall Street one must cheat? My answer is YES!   Translate: “Us poor lowly slobs. We can’t win. The deck is stacked against us.” It sells papers! 

Not only is it coming from print/TV, but every day Washington gets into the act.  “Fines” are a growth industry in DC!   

Listen up people; there are lots of successful investors/traders out there who live very happy, successful lives.  They do not need to cheat.  They did it the old fashion way: They earned it!  [Note to SEC: my students do not need to cheat.]